We arrived in Las Vegas on Monday, April 11th. The trip was a nice short drive of about 3 hours. I like days like that…short travel days…LOL.
We were getting all set up when Jesse and Ginger stopped by while walking their dogs. We visited for a little while and made a plan to have dinner together later. They came by and picked us up and we had dinner at the Boulder Station Casino.Of course, we had to put a few dollars in the slot machines.I think I came out ahead about $70.00. Mac & Ginger came out a little ahead also. Jesse, not so much!
Tuesday, we went out for a drive just to look around and make a trip to Trader Joe’s and Camping World.I wanted to get some granola bars at Trader Joe’s and Mac needed some things at Camping World. We finished that up and decided to make a drive down the strip. We saw the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop from Pawn Stars and decided to stop on Wednesday and look around. It’s not very big but there were lots of stuff and lots of people in there.
Happy Hour with JB & Brenda and Jesse & Ginger
We headed back to the RV because we were expecting JB & Brenda for an overnight stop on their way back home to Canada. They had just arrived and were getting all set up.We had our hugs and visited for a couple of minutes and let them get finished.I had to check on my Chicken Enchiladas and my Popper dip for Happy Hour. Jesse & Ginger arrived with their Deviled Eggs, Salmon Patties, and Cucumbers. We had a LOT of food to eat! After eating a lots of visiting everyone went back to their RV’s for the night. It was a great time with good friends!

Wednesday, Mac and I took a drive out by Las Vegas Speedway…nice place. We also stopped at the Gift Shop and looked around.
Then we went to the Pawn Shop…he is obsessed with this place.We didn’t buy anything, just looked around.
We also went to New York, New York. Wow is all I have to say. We haven’t been back to Las Vegas since this was finished. They were just finishing up with it the last time we were here. It is nice…We stopped at the Deli inside and split a Club Sandwich and then started looking around. We went into the Casino and I left with $200.00 and only played $10.00 so I was doing good! Mac won about $60.00..not sure how much he put in the machines…lol.
We left there and went back to Boulder Station for dinner. Mac wanted to try the Prime Rib in on of their Restaurants. It was really good.
Thursday, we stopped at the Pawn shop again…boy does Mac like this place!! Then we went to the Venetian. This was a really nice casino! We looked around and put some more of our coins in the slots…I have been really lucky this week! I left $72.00 ahead and I think Mac won about $190.00. We’re not doing so bad so far…I am way ahead and Mac is ahead so far.
Friday, we went down to the Strip again…we wanted to go to Paris and the Palazzo. WOW!! this is a great place.Parking is kind of tricky here with our big ‘ol truck.We were lucky that all the parking garages we went to the clearance was ok for our truck…even though at Paris we only had a couple of inches to spare…whew!
We signed up for our players card…and I had checked in with my phone through Facebook Places and I won a Buy One Get One free at their Feast Buffet! We had already decided not to eat there because it was $27.00 a person!!! But with the coupon that the man at the players club booth gave me, we decided to go for it! It was wonderful! I even had a freshly made Strawberry Crepe for dessert!
We didn’t do so well at the casino though….I think I lost $50.00 and Mac lost about $40.00…so we were done there. We went over through the shops to the Palazzo to look around. It was pretty nice too!!
Saturday we took a break from the Strip and took a road trip to Red Rock Canyon. We had been there several years ago but didn’t really remember much about it. They had a nice display at the visitor’s center. It was a nice drive of about 13 miles.
Sunday, we had to go back to Trader Joe’s. I decided I needed to stock up on the Granola Bars. I had only bought one box of a couple flavors to see if they were as good as before…..so I bought a Lot!!

We just drove around for a while and then went to an early dinner so that we could go downtown to Fremont Street. Everything there looked about the same but they have added a Zip Line Ride and also there are lots of Star Impersonators….Ozzy, Michael Meyers, Michael Jackson, Pee Wee Herman, and lots of others. The show we saw was more of a Rock & Roll theme. Much different that the ones we had seen before. After the first show we headed back to the RV because we needed to get ready to travel on Monday.
Monday morning we were up and packed up and heading out toward Kingman, AZ. Short drive of about 3 hours. We will stay there for 3 nights. We would like to see our ex-brother-in-law and visit for a little bit. The campground here is mice with easy access. It is behind a Petro Truck Stop, but far enough behind that we do not hear any noise. We used our Escapees discount.
Tuesday, we just hung out around the RV still trying to rest up for our busy week in Vegas! We headed over to Bullhead City, AZ about 4pm to make a stop at Sam’s Club and to meet Tom& his wife Ladonna at the Colorado Belle to have a drink on the Patio overlooking the river. We had a very nice visit for about 2 hours and then it was time for us to head back to Kingman.
Tom & La Donna
Today we are just hanging out at the RV doing laundry and just catching up. We will be leaving here tomorrow for Williams, AZ for a week. Hopefully we will be able to meet up with Bob & Molly for a fun filled day!
Stay Tuned for more adventures on our travels…