Not much happening this week. Lots of work and sinus headaches. No fun.
Our daughter that lives in Amarillo, TX is going to have major surgery the end of the month and we will be traveling there to be with her and her husband, and to help her when she gets home from the hospital. Send some thoughts and prayers her way.
It rained all day Saturday and with a sinus migraine, the rain made it more depressing. Had Mac go and do mom's grocery shopping for her. He is such a nice guy....
Here's a photo out our front door. Pretty dreary.
Sunday was a day of catch up. Did laundry, and sorted through some more stuff to get rid of. I'm not sure I'll ever get all this stuff gone through. I never realized that we had so much stuff in house. I think I'm gonna make a list of things we want to keep for the RV and just shut my eyes and put everything else in boxes to get rid of. This is taking a lot longer than I thought it would.
Sunday we got up late and watched the NASCAR race. I sat in front of the TV and worked on some vinyl projects while the race was on. I haven't gotten them cut but will show some photos of what they will look like.

I'll post more photos when I get them cut and on the signs or tiles.
We were too lazy to make supper, so I just cooked some Zucchini and we had that.
Well it's about time to get things together for work tomorrow.
Life isn't measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
So sorry to hear about your daughter having surgery. She certainly will be in our thoughts and prayers. Very pretty girl.
Love the vinyls! I'm telling you, you need to be in business...
yes you do, I agree about being in business. I love the rv-dreams one.
We'll be remembering your daughter in prayer.
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