First of all, Thanks everyone for your input about the RV colors. I think we have made the decision to go with the Slate color. Mac likes it the best and I like both. He is going to call the dealer on Thursday because he will be back from the National RV Show. Hopefully the new changes will all be for the better.
As of today I cut my work schedule back to 3 days a week for awhile. We have so many things to get done here at home and a lot of things to get sorted out with Mac's retirement. Dr Padfield was very good about it and said that it was fine with him. Things have been kind of slow and with that it helps me and him at the same time.
I'm trying to decide what to get started on next here at the house. We are going to go through the kitchen stuff and get rid of the things that we will not be taking to the RV. Next we have to get the Utility/Storage room cleaned out...that is the scary room! So much stuff stored there for years and we don't really even know what is still down
We have so much furniture that we will not be needing. Who needs 4 desks anyhow. I will try to list some of these things on Craig's List and see what happens. What do I do with my collections...I think I will split some of them up and give to my granddaughters.
Well I am off tomorrow and we are going to see another financial advisor. I hate this part. Who do you trust with your money...we are pretty sure we have decided, but still want to talk to this guy first. Also, we have to pick our "Retirement" medical plan. the company offers 3 different plans. One is almost the same as we have now and that is the one we will probably take if we don't have problems if we re-locate to Texas. That is a big question I want answered first.
We have set our mail forwarding up with Escapees so are ready to change our residence when we are ready. We will be going to Kerrville in March and probably on our way home we will go through Livingston and maybe proceed with the paperwork. We will have to keep dual residency until the house is sold and I am ready to retire which won't be for a while yet.
Well that is about it for today...
Well that is about it for today...
Counting down to Order date...5 days

Life isn't measured by the breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away...
Isn't it exciting?! You're doing the same thing we are. I can't wait to hear about the new changes the excitement is building.
Hey I love the choice and I know sherri will too. she is out of town working but will return Thursday night. We have to take our RV in Friday to get the converter of those things...Oh well can't wait to see you both in person in that new home
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