Gate Guarding

Gate Guarding

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just a short note…I have lots of things to post about our last week or so in Texas, but right now my thoughts are somewhere else…

In Memory of Jerry

July 25, 1950 – April 7, 2010

Jerry edited for service photo resized


Brothers like you are few and far between.

You were the special kind of person

the world needs more of…

Brothers like you made everything so much nicer;

you had the marvelous ability to turn happiness into joy

and sadness into understanding.

You are loved, and will be missed so much…

because brothers like you

mean the world to…

sisters like us.

Lyvonne & Lynette


Unknown said...


As fellow members of your RV-Dreams family, our thoughts and prayers are with you on the loss of your brother.

See you in October.

Hugs, Ken and Cindy Frericks

LakeConroePenny,TX said...

I heard about your dear brother's departure on chat last night.
We know he is in a better place, and that God must have needed him now.
I know you miss him, and my prayers are with you.
Hugs, Penny, TX

Anonymous said...

Lynette and Greg, you are so much in our thoughts and prayers. Your brother is in a better place and at peace now. Our sincere condolences to your entire family.
Arlene and Kevin

Debbie said...

I'm so sorry to read about your loss. My prayers are for your comfort during this difficult period.

Mark and Dortha said...

Our love to you and your family. Just Jerry has no hurts and no pain.

Debbie Goode said...

Very nice...Thinking of you and your family.