Monday, April 5th we all gathered around Bob & Molly’s RV for some visiting and then we played some cards…
Tuesday, April 6th, Mac & I, Bob & Molly, and Chuck & Kathy headed out to Wildseed Farms & Fredericksburg. Our first stop was to see all the flowers at Wildseed Farms. Wow…they are amazing. The bluebonnets are gorgeous and the poppies are very beautiful. We all took lots of photos and browsed the Gift Shop.
By the time it was time to leave, Mac & Chuck were exhausted and Bob had to help them to the truck…lol.
Next we headed on to Fredericksburg for some lunch at Auslanders Biergarten. The food was just ok to me…not as good as last years restaurant.
After lunch we did a little shopping and then headed back to the RV..
Wednesday, April 7th we had a trip planned to the 11th Street Cowboy Bar for dinner. We ran to get a steak to cook. You bring your own steak and pay $5.00 for your baked potato, salad and other fixings…
Also Kathy & I went to WalMart to look at Netbooks...we ended up getting one and for $50.00 off regular price...when we showed them to Molly, her and Bob ran over and got the last one...LOL....Here we are lovin' our new Netbooks....

The 11th Street Cowboy Bar
Me, Chuck & Kathy
Women's Bathroom...
Bob & Molly
Bill & Helen
Me, Molly, and Kathy
Now this place is a must see. It doesn’t look like much on the outside, but after you enter and pass through, all the fun is in the back…
and the boys checking things out...We had a great dinner with friends and headed back to the RV.
On our trip back, I received a call about my brother not doing very well…and 45 minutes later he was gone…we miss you Jerry!
I almost forgot...Our friends had a surprise Birthday Party at the Clubhouse for Donna, Rich, and myself on Thursday evening. We had a great cake and ice cream and I received a wonderful "Friends" plaque...Thanks everyone! Love Ya!

Friday, April 8th we started back home…We had some problems with the truck and stopped to check it out. We made it as far as Thackerville, OK and the WinStar Casino RV Park for the night.
Saturday, April 9th we went in to Gainesville to try to buy a part for the truck. Mac put the new Radiator Cap on and was hopeful that that was all that was wrong, but we wanted to drive around a bit to test it. So we stayed at the Casino again on Saturday and it seemed that things were better.
Sunday, April 10th we set off for our last leg of our journey home.The truck seemed to be doing ok until we entered Kansas and started our trek through the Flint Hills…Uh..Ohhh…we could smell that smell again…sure enough, Mac pulled over and the water was bubbling out of the radiator cap again..and it smelled like Diesel…not good.
We finally made it home about 6:30pm and set up at the RV Park for our duration here in Garnett until we get our house ready to sell.
Monday, April 12th I went to the funeral home to finalize the details for my brothers service and in the afternoon we went to Ottawa to clean everything out of his room at the Assisted Living Facility that he was living in.
Now the truck has transmission fluid running out of the bottom….can’t be good.
Tuesday, April 13th Mac took the truck out to Beckman’s, the ford dealership here. They checked everything out and said that it needed extensive work…uh oh. We did find out that the engine was still under warranty so that helps. Our part will still be close to $2000.00 but that is much better than the $6500.00 to fix everything.
Friday April 18th the family gathered together at the Garnett Inn Suites in the Meeting room to visit…I did take a few photos:
I think that catches you all up except for all the details of Jerry’s service. The service in Garnett was very nice. We had several cousins that live in Missouri that traveled for the service. It was nice to see them, but not under these circumstances…
We then traveled out to Ulysses for the Military Service on Monday. It was very touching even though it was 50*, cloudy, misting, and very windy. After the service we started back to Garnett.
I will try to keep everyone updated on things going on here…
Thank you everyone that sent thoughts and prayers to us during this sad time. We are very blessed to have such great family and friends out there. We love you all!
So glad to get the update and to know that the train is almost back on the track. You all have been in our thoughts daily, hope all goes well now.
Lots of HUGS
So what is the deal with the truck? I can't believe that you had more trouble with it. Didn't you have it in the shop not too long ago? Hope you get it fixed OK
I am so sorry to hear about your brother's passing. You have had more than your share of grieving since I've known you, and my thoughts are with you.
Well, I with Kathy and glad to know that you are almost back on track.
Dang, those derailments aren't fun, but we all have them. We miss you guys and look forward to our next encounter!
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