Well, I know that I haven’t posted in a long time, but it just doesn’t seem right to post the same thing every day. “Got up, went to the house…packed all day…went back to RV, and went to bed” I could have copied and pasted that quote for the last several weeks…lol
Mac and I did have some doctor’s appointments and I had my toe surgery. Mac had some dental work done. That about catches everyone up to this week..LOL
Tuesday morning we loaded up in the rain and headed down the road to our RV dealer to have some things fixed before we started on our way toward TN. It took longer than we thought it would so we only made it to the Downstream Casino for the night…we got set up and headed over to have dinner at the Buffet and make a contribution in the Casino.
Wednesday morning we left the Casino on our way to Mountain Grove, MO for a couple of days so that we could visit with some family. We traveled in the rain again today…
This photo is for all our Retired Firefighter friends...this was taken outside of Springfield, MO

We made it to The Missouri Park Campground and got set up in between the rain.
Our aircard crapped out on us. I unplugged the external antenna and a little copper part came with it….oops! So I got on my new Droid and searched for the closest Verizon Store…and they had one right here in Mountain Grove! I made a quick call and Tina informed me that we were due for an upgrade on our aircard. So off we went to find the store.
We got our new aircard for $.99 with a $50.00 rebate! Wow, can’t beat that!
We then decided that we would run on over to Seymour to see my cousin Sheryl this evening and to try to make a plan for Thursday since we only have that one day.
We met our cousin Sheryl, Dottie & her husband(and mayor) Wayne, and their grandson for lunch at Uncle Rooster’s. We tried to talk Wayne in to putting in a small RV Park so we didn't have to travel so far from there to our RV. He told us that the new Motel owner was considering it...nice.
The walls were painted with country settings from all 4 seasons.
The food was ok but the company was priceless! This place was pretty neat on the inside…people from all over have signed the floors…so I signed it twice…once by the table where we ate…
and the other out in the main area, so if any of our RV friends just happen to stop by, they will recognize our nicknames…lol
After lunch we headed out to see my cousins Harold & Joyce. We spent some quality time visiting and just catching up. All too soon it was time to head back to the RV. And we left just in time too. We left at 5:45pm and it started raining right as we were leaving town. It rained 6 inches in 2 hours! WOW.
Today, we had a special day planned. Nolan & Donna were coming by to pick us up and take us to The Rockbridge Trout Ranch for lunch and to just wander around.
This Post Office is inside the main building and has been in business since 1842 and is still operational. We chatted with the Post Mistress. Her mother was the previous one.
The food was really good…sorry no food photos this time. After lunch we went outside and walked over to the Grist Mill Club and watched some people Trout fishing below the waterfall.
Here is a photo of the old Bank…
Before long it was time to head back toward the RV. We had a nice drive back through some hills…
and feeling like we were up in the clouds…
Thanks so much Nolan & Donna for a wonderful day!
It has been a great few days with family and wonderful friends…we will miss them all but will see them again soon!
Tomorrow we will travel to Sikeston, MO for Saturday & Sunday. A trip to Lambert's Restraurant is in order for tomorrow...yummy.
Stay tuned for more adventures on our travels to TN and back to KS...
Hugs to everyone!
It's good to see you posting again. Missed ya lately!
Wow, you are blonde! And Donna has longer hair now.. My, how time changes.
See you in a few days......
Spending time with family is priceless!! Glad you all had such a good time together. :)
I love Lamberts...we went to the one in Gulf Shores. Yummy is right!
Those rolls are to die for. Eat one for me.
Travel safely and take care!
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
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