Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been having a problem with a back tooth that has had a root canal and a crown on it.

It started hurting about a week ago on Thursday night, Sept 25th and was swollen by the next morning. Of course my Dentist is closed on Friday's and I had to leave a message on the office machine explaining my problem. One of the Techs happened to come in and heard my message and called me at work explaining that they were closed but would be happy to see my the following Wednesday....?? I made the appointment and called my medical Dr who is a family friend. I asked him if he would call me in some antibiotics to slow down any infection. I picked them up and started taking them right away. It only got worse over the weekend...ohhh I felt like death warmed over...nothing hurts worse than a sore tooth. It makes your whole body hurt. Anyway, when Monday rolled around, I called the Dentist office and told them that I didn't care if they could only see me for 5 minutes to give some other kind of medicine or something, but that they were gonna see me. They told me to come in a 10:30 and when I got there, Sandy, my Dentist said, oh no....I think your tooth is broken below the crown and if that is the case you will need to go to an Oral Surgeon to have it taken out. Great! She took some x-rays and sure enough, it was broken and very infected...duh, I already knew that. So she said that I couldn't wait another day and she got on the phone and called the surgeon in Ottawa and they could fit me in at 1:00pm. So I talked to the Dr that I work for and he said...get out of here and get it taken care of. So at 1:00 I was sitting in the surgeons office waiting to see him. He deadened me up, pulled the tooth, and gave me a couple of prescriptions and sent me on my way. Like a dummy, I went back to work...the pressure was gone but the pain never went away. Gradually the swelling started coming back. So again on this last Friday I called the Surgeons office again questioning if this was normal..Of course the nurse told me "No it is not and we need to see you at 1:15 today" I call my boss again to tell him that I need to leave work to go and that I will be back and open the office as soon as I get back. I showed up at 1:00 and got in to see the Dr at 2:15. He looked at it and said that I didn't have a dry socket, thank god. He took a couple of x-rays and said that the teeth surrounding it looked good. Next he gets this tool out and starts poking around in there(no deadening) and all the sudden it drained and the pressure was gone. By Friday night I was much better and today I have no swelling and not much pain.
So that is the reason I have not posted anything in a couple of weeks.
I took my mother to the Dr in Olathe on this last Thursday to see her Pulmonary Doctor and he told her she was doing good and he would see her in a year. Yeah!
My mother will turn 80 on October 8th. My sister and I decided we needed to do something a little special for her so we are having a surprise birthday reception for her in her apartment complex's community room and are inviting all the women who live there and some other friends. My sister will come from Oklahoma on Friday night and we will bring my brother home from the assisted living facility for the day. I hope it is nice for her.
I have may granddaughter over for the weekend and she has been helping me sort through things in my office. Gosh, what a mess. In between sorting, I have been painting the outside of the front door to match the trim. I couldn't believe how much it had faded over the years til I put a coat of the new paint on it. It's gonna take about 4 coats to cover good and I have only gotten 2 coats on so far.
Mac is counting down the days until he retires from Southern Star. He has been doing some Environmental Inspection on a Construction job that they are doing at the plant and has been working crazy hours. He has been working from about 7am --? 10 - 12 hours per day. This week he worked 14 hours on Wednesday and yesterday he worked 16 hours. He is sooo ready for this construction to be done and things back to normal. Right now it looks like his last say with Southern Star Central Gas will be November 25th and he will be on vacation the rest of the year...not fair!!!
I may just change my last day too...lol
Well that's enough for today...
I have been trying to get a playlist on my blog and have worked on it for several days and can't get it to stay on the blog. I have tried and tried to copy and paste it into a widget and it won't stay in there..anyone have any ideas? Thanks...
Life isn't measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away...
1 comment:
So sorry for your pain. Nothing worse than a bad tooth. Glad your feeling better.
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