My mom just turned 80 on October 8th and we had a surprise birthday party for her on Saturday, October 11th. My sister came up from Oklahoma and brought 2 of her grandkids with her for the weekend. We also brought my brother over from the assisted living facility where he lives. I ordered her a cake and made invitations and handed out to all the ladies that live in her apartment complex. I also let them know that it was a surprise so they wouldn't give it away. Here are a few photos from her party. Here is her cake..

Work has been very busy and I have had several doctor's appointments. One to the dentist again and another on to my primary doctor for a re-check on the spider bite. The swelling and the bruise are going away but the big lump on the inside is still there and still very painful. He said that we need to watch it for a couple more weeks and if it doesn't go down then they may have to go in and cut it out.
Also, I had to go for my yearly sonogram of my thyroid. Last year I had 1 growth on the right side, 2 on the left side and one in the middle of the thyroid. This year I have 3 on the right side, 4 on the left side and 2 in the middle. My Ear, Nose & Throat doctor called and I have to go in on the 30th for the results and to see if we will be having to do anything more since there are more growths.
Mac went to see his cardiologist on Thursday. He changed some of his medicine this time. Last time his bad cholesterol was too low(how did that happen? lol) and this time it was better. Most of his blood work looked good.
We have been so busy that I have barely had time to keep up on the blogs and read the RV-Dreams forum and journal.
One of our other granddaughters is celebrating her birthday this week. This is Justyce...

I spent today sorting through bracelet and jewelry making supplies and packing it up in a box. This is one box that I will keep.
We worked on a list of kitchen things we will need in the new RV. Now that we have a basic list, I can start sorting through stuff to get rid of.
We just have to decide on when to get the Augusta ordered and find a truck to pull it with. Then we need to sell our TT, Pontoon,Tahoe and Chevy Silverado. That could be a challenge.
We will keep the Camry for me to drive here in town while Mac is working out of town.
Well I need to close for the night. Almost time to get ready for another work week. I will be so glad when I don't have to say that anymore....
Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
1 comment:
I am trying to get caught up on everyones journal. I got behind when I went to Galveston. I will be going back down there the second week in November so I will fall behind again.
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