We got some sad news yesterday. My mom's sister passed away Tuesday. She had a long good life. She would have been 93 on Christmas day this year. She had been sick and in the hospital for about 2 weeks and had been home for one week. Yesterday she told her daughter that she wanted to see her kids, so her daughter called all her siblings and they came to the house & spent some time with her. She told them that she needed to rest for a while and went to sleep and never woke back up. This is a photo of my mom, her sister and two of her brothers. She had one sister and four brothers. My mom(2nd from left) and the brother on the farthest right are the only 2 still alive. My mom turned 80 October 8th and her brother turned 90 in July.

Her service is Friday morning in Seymour, a small town just south and east of Springfield, Missouri. Mac and I will be leaving tomorrow after we go to Kansas City for our Doctor's appointments. My mom's health will not allow her to travel so we are going. She would really like to go, but she has emphysema and has a lot of trouble breathing and is pretty weak. I will worry about her while we are gone but our daughter will check on her everyday.
Now on to some better news. Mac has been talking to a dealership in Springfield that carries the Heartland Augusta, so we will stay in Springfield Friday and Saturday to go and see him in person. We will also look at the Augusta again and spend a little more time in it exploring the storage areas and the furniture in more detail. Hopefully we will be getting closer to making a purchase soon. We have to buy a new truck first since the one we have now is just a Silverado 1500. We need to get busy if we are going to get everything together for Kerrville..lol
Here are a couple of photos of our Courthouse here in town.

Well I need to get off here and finish packing or we will not be ready to leave in the morning. I will be taking my laptop along so hopefully I will see you all on chat.
Life isn't measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away...
Sorry to hear of your loss but what a way to go. Isn't that what everyone would want.. After a long good life, ask to see your kids and then go to sleep.
I'm excited for you going to see the Augusta. That sure is a nice rig. We have the Silverado 1500HD and we would have to upgrade also. Hopefully you get it all done before Kerrville. I really look forward to seeing it. (of course both of you also!)
My condolences to you and to your mom. My mother fell asleep and never woke up several years ago, and it is really the best a person could ask for.
Good luck on the RV search. I'll be glad when I am finally living in mine, and I hope our paths cross out there.
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