Gate Guarding

Gate Guarding

Saturday, July 31, 2010

This Week….

This week has been really busy…We got back to Garnett on Friday and settled in to our RV site at the Garnett Inn Suites RV Park that will be home for a few weeks. Saturday & Sunday we just rested, made plans for the house, and packed up some boxes.



We found out that some good friends of ours, Randy & Terry Guiler, were at Fort Riley visiting their son and daughter – in –law and were heading home to PA on Monday. We made arrangements to meet them in Lawrence for breakfast at Ihop Monday morning.


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We had such a great visit and did a lot of catching up…too bad we didn’t have longer but they were headed home and needed to get on the road. So after about 1 –1/2 hours we said our see ya later and they took off headed east and we headed back to Garnett…


After getting back to Garnett I had a doctors appointment for a check on my toe. I had surgery on it back the first part of June and it hasn’t been healing like I thought it should. I was sure it was infected…sure enough! Doctor started me on some antibiotics. Finished all of my tests but one and will have to have it when we come back in October…

We have been working on the house and are just about finished…whew! We are exhausted! We finished with everything inside the house on Thursday.

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The carpet cleaner was there on Friday to clean all the carpets…That sure gave us a lift of spirits…We also hired a couple of ladies to come and clean the house and windows on Tuesday and then it will be ready to show!! YEAH!!

Now Mac has some  yard work to do and then we just wait for the auction dated to get here.

I have spent the day today working on the things, cleaning, and Mac has been doing laundry and doing a little cooking…

I think we are on the downstretch…


only one week from today until the auction and we will see if the house sells or we keep it listed with the Realtor..Wish us luck…we are gonna need it!!!



Mark and Dortha said...

It is going to be a big success!

Catch your breath and take care of that toe.

Hugs and see you soon.

Darrell and Judy Patterson said...

Here's wishing you luck, and even a quick prayer for a successful conclusion to all your hard work.

Aren't Randy and Terry just the greatest. We're soooo bummed that they couldn't be with us here in Maine but, glad you got to spend some time together.

Kathy said...

I just know your auction will be a huge success! We made twice as much as we thought we would on ours last month! We had a couple of bids on our property but they weren't near enough, so we kept it with the realtor. I do hope you get exactly what you need and want! Can't wait to see the pics!

Freely Living Life said...

I know this post was dated back in July but it doesn't hurt to send you some positive vibes anyhow!

Best wishes to you!

The Freely Living Life Family